Entry for January 24, 2023: The Bell Tower will Toll
I met with a man. He sat on a rickity old wood chair that has long since seen it's time. As I walked into the room, he looked me up and down for a moment, before a tear shone in his eye.
"Not just yet." He spoke softly, and gestured to another chair just as old across the table from him. "Please, wait with me until the bell tolls one last time." His question was sincere, so I complied. I sat with him quiety for a moment. We were at the very top of a tower, anomg the tallest in the local kingdom and a sight to cherish. The man was old, and frail. It was his duty, for decades, to chime the bell in this tower once a day, every day, at noon. His scruffy beard, and sootstained hair shows what happened to this place. Scars left in the land, foliage burnt away, walls torn down, and worse yet, a sunrise that stood still.
In this moment I held fast, as the man began crying knowing what's to come and what shall never come. Even though the sight outside the window is beautiful, all he could do is stare up at the broken, ash covered bell.
"I'm sorry sir, for my selfishness." He suddenly said, still weeping. "I made my kingdom proud, didn't I?" I looked on at his face, wrinkles and dirt covering his features yet not his expression. It may only have been a moments time.
"Here, I know why you are here. Please grant me safe passage." Still without looking away from the bell, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pouch of gold coins. His whole life's savings, I would figure, and yet much too heavy for payment and passage. I gingerly reached into the purse and took a single coin, but paused for a moment. I am no judge, nor jury nor executioner, however I do not believe that my job must be done solely out of indifference. I return the coin having pretended to take it, and stood up.
The man attempted to stand as if to follow me, but I raised my hand. With my scythe in tow, I swung gently at the bell, giving it one last beautiful ring. The soot covered bell chimed a melodic cry out to the kingdom, as the sun continued to rise, and the man was gone. The Bell tolls, but not for the kingdom. Only, this once, for the lost amongst the wreckage.